How To Post To Your Social Media Accounts From Google+

Via – Local Search Marketing Ideas Google+ is here to stay, the launch of Google’s Search+ your World feature now means it is critical to make sure that as a marketer you are using Google+ to…Via

PPC Management- Avoid Mistakes and Profit

PPC Management requires you to be on top of your game. When you make mistakes you may not achieve the conversion results and end up wasting money. Here are some ideas to avoid the mistakes 1. Not doing good keyword research. Good keyword research using free tools like Wordtracker, Wordstream or Google’s own Keyword Tool… Continue reading PPC Management- Avoid Mistakes and Profit

Willie Crawford Says Jump- Who Says How High?

My buddy Willie Crawford, that wily retired US Air Force guy is up to a interesting promotion for this Peter Drew product. And I usually listen when Willie comes a calling because he is a straight-up first class kind of guy. This I why I think Brute Force SEO :EVO2 might be something you could… Continue reading Willie Crawford Says Jump- Who Says How High?