Remarketing with Google

In an earlier post I described remarketing like getting a second kick at the can. In fact it can be a much more creative exercise when you are using PPC. The principle is simple, remarketing allows you to show ads to users who have previously been on your site. You now have a way to… Continue reading Remarketing with Google

Find A Purpose to Repurpose

One of the best ideas for content creators is to not reinvent everything but to repurpose your content. Do it once and use it many times. Image via CrunchBase If you are writing articles on a subject of interest to your readers it is a good idea to take those articles and spin them into… Continue reading Find A Purpose to Repurpose

Social Media- Hype or Channel Change

The evolution of social networking has changed the world of Marketing forever. If you are one of my regular readers, you will know that I have been writing about social media and books about it a lot in the last year. Perhaps because social networking is changing some of the established players in marketing or… Continue reading Social Media- Hype or Channel Change

Forget the Hat: Just Produce Compelling Content

Search Engines and searchers are looking for one thing, relevant content that provides an answer to the searchers’ query. This is exactly what we should be providing when we produce content for our blogs or websites. There is not a day goes by when my mailbox is not full of different emails promising top ranks… Continue reading Forget the Hat: Just Produce Compelling Content