Win Sales & Influence Spiders- Cat Seda

How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders: Boosting Your Business & Buzz on the Web (Paperback) Catherine Seda A Review by Rob Metras I found this just as promised in the description and believe it to be down-to-earth actionable stuff. Not airy-fairy MBA marketing speak. Catherine has a combination of case studies and practical experience… Continue reading Win Sales & Influence Spiders- Cat Seda

Domain Samurai- Another Noble Samurai Winner

New product out from the folks at Noble Samurai. The creators of the very useful Market Samurai now have released Domain Samurai. Brent Hodgson and his team at Noble Samurai are very good at their product development and research tools which are developed using the Adobe Air Platform Domain Samurai is free for users. Don’t… Continue reading Domain Samurai- Another Noble Samurai Winner

Deliver What You Promise: Avoid Bait and Switch

I received an email solicitation in my email box this morning to subscribe to a new Internet Marketing Product.. I am always eager to see new pitches to learn from them; the good ,the bad and the ugly. This one got my attention because I received the email from someone I knew. It was a… Continue reading Deliver What You Promise: Avoid Bait and Switch

Willie Crawford Says Jump- Who Says How High?

My buddy Willie Crawford, that wily retired US Air Force guy is up to a interesting promotion for this Peter Drew product. And I usually listen when Willie comes a calling because he is a straight-up first class kind of guy. This I why I think Brute Force SEO :EVO2 might be something you could… Continue reading Willie Crawford Says Jump- Who Says How High?

Why Attend Seminars- The Reason WHY

One of the best ways for people who are interested in improving their skills in any area of interest is attending continuing education events. If you are a dentist or a doctor or a chiropractor you are used to regularily attending c.e. events to update your skills which update you and your professional educational education.… Continue reading Why Attend Seminars- The Reason WHY