Forget the Hat: Just Produce Compelling Content

Search Engines and searchers are looking for one thing, relevant content that provides an answer to the searchers’ query.

This is exactly what we should be providing when we produce content for our blogs or websites. There is not a day goes by when my mailbox is not full of different emails promising top ranks in Google or Bing just by using this or that kind of technique or tool.

Most of it is unadulterated crap. You hear of white-hat SEO, you hear of black-hat SEO and you are exposed to grey hat SEO. Most of this is just a degree of attempting to diddle the search engines into indexing content without a true human point of view, only a bot viewpoint is provided for. Well my friends this is the wrong thing to do. Write useful content that helps your reader with their problem and you will gain readers, and naturally rise up in the indexes for your topic because you have delivered what your reader is searching for.

With the degree of granularity available to the web searcher it is wise to make sure your content is easily indexable and that is accessible to the various search engine bots that can read it. For bloggers using WordPress or other content management systems a lot of the tools for creating engine friendly websites are readily available as plugins such as All-in-One SEO.

Another tool which is provided specifically by Google is the Webmasters Central. It is free and there is a Google 101 to help you. It will provide you tools and information on ow to give the search engine what they need and check if you have. Use it.

By Robert Metras

Rob is an experienced internet marketer and author. He helps businesses, professionals and organizations to raise their online visibility in local search and get more from their promotions and advertising and free use of search engine products.

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