Do You Know Your Numbers?

Do You Know Your Numbers: The Whats and the Whys of Analytic Data No, I am not talking about your Social Security Number or your telephone numbers. I am talking about your Web Analytics. What numbers are important and what are the keys to understanding your site and its visitors. I will give you a… Continue reading Do You Know Your Numbers?

Status Updates are Read

Facebook and Facebook Page status updates are read according to information I just heard on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. Not only are they read, author and Social Media commentator AmberMac says. but from her discussions with inside sources at Facebook they are the most read item. It is important to keep your status updates… Continue reading Status Updates are Read

PPC Management- Avoid Mistakes and Profit

PPC Management requires you to be on top of your game. When you make mistakes you may not achieve the conversion results and end up wasting money. Here are some ideas to avoid the mistakes 1. Not doing good keyword research. Good keyword research using free tools like Wordtracker, Wordstream or Google’s own Keyword Tool… Continue reading PPC Management- Avoid Mistakes and Profit